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Housebreaking 101

The key to housebreaking any dog is maintaining a consistent schedule. Here at Pawfect Solutions the dogs are on a schedule for pee and poop. They all know that before they enter our play area, they have to do their business first. As you can see in the video, consistency is key.

PS: We take them out as much as humanly possible. We much rather pick up their poop outside than let them tap dance in their poop inside 😂

Kid Cudi

Cudi stayed with us for our off leash program. Here he is with a stellar recall 😎

Sandy Cheeks
Miss Sandy with a very enthusiastic recall. She went through our off leash board and train program.
Air Bud
Just getting Buddy ready to go home. Buddy went through our on leash board and train program. Every Thursday is gaming night at Pawfect Solutions. We want to make sure all the dogs listen to everyone regardless of the distractions that may be present, that includes people and PIZZA. We need to make sure they know what behaviors are allowed and not allowed when company is coming over.

It’s more important that your dog listens to you, than us. We can make any dog listen to us, but to get them to listen to their owners the same way… well that’s a different story. We focus on not only training the dogs, but teaching their owners how to control their majestic beasts.

Remy the great with his amazing owner
Sir Sonny
Sir Sonny working on his recall
Snoopy doing amazing for his owner

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